I don't there is a specific age to when you get old. I think you get old when...
You start to loose your senses, like being able to hear and see. You may have to get hearing aids to hear people better, or glasses to see better. You may have needed these when you were younger, but you may need stronger glasses.
You will most probably not be as active as you were when you were 40. You might have a walker to help you walk, because it is harder for you to get around. You might get a hunched back because your bones are getting weaker and can not support you as much.
If you were old, I would think you would live in an old folks home. You might need help to do simple things, like get in and out of bed, or bathing.
These are three reasons of when I think you get old. What are yours?
You have organized your writing well. Your fourth paragraph could maybe have some more detail. Also be sure to proofread. For example loose, should be lose. (2)